Wednesday, January 17, 2007

MLK Journal

Whats the big deal? Well to start, Martin Luther King Jr. was a very very big deal. To me he was more than just a civil-rights leader, he was a "symbol." As someone said, he did much more than fight for what he believed in. He made his name much more than just an identity. In my opinion, through MLKJ's actions, his name has become associated with what he stood for rather than who he was as a person. Through his name, he had the power to change the minds of many. I couldn't agree more with the statement that his power lead to his assassination. Honestly, I have a limited supply of information on Martin Luther King Jr, and I hope to further educate myself in the future. However, I give him the upmost respect for his actions, who he was as a person, and what he symbolized.


wumpas123 said...

I like YO PIcture

Fid said...

hey dude that picture is real fye! and your points were good. -mac 10

Frank Yancy said...

You are exactly right, MLK was a symbol for changing the world for all americans. He ended years of oppression and injustice. He was a great man. Nice picture.