Monday, January 22, 2007

Whats In Da Bizzag??!! RUHH

Good morning, gentlemen and gentlewomen. It is currently 1:00 a.m. and I have yet to write this blog entry. It is a bit early to be thinking about fate and free will and whatnot, but I'll try. After sneaking a peak at Dewitt's blog, I have to agree that i believe more in karma than i do fate. I do not believe that our lives are pre-determined and we cant to anything to change it, but i do believe that good things come back to you and bad things come back to bite you in the ass. However, I just had an incident today that made me think otherwise. I spoke to a tutor who has a brother with lots of connections with big-name recording artists in Atlanta. When i spoke to him about my beats, he offered to set me up with an appointment to meet his brother and maybe set myself up with my own connections. I was undoubtedly thrilled, but now as I sit here and ponder fate over free will, i have to wonder if it was fate that brought this to me or just purely me being in the right place at the right time. Even though i don't honestly believe in fate, I occasionally have moments like these that make me sit back and think about the possibility of it. I suppose it mostly depends on the mood/situation I am in at the time that makes me choose to believe in one over the other.

Good night, I need sleep

1 comment:

Good said...

presciate that man, i do like what you're talkin about with the karma stuff too.